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Author: Guest Writer

Right to work checks: why should recruitment agencies be carrying out right to work checks and what is likely to happen if they don’t?

Guest Writer

June 17, 2024

Looking to build trust with your prospective candidates? Read on to explore this guide on how to become the go-to employer for candidates in your sector, written by The Genius Group who are a TrustID partner.

How to Build Trust With Candidates

Guest Writer

March 21, 2024

Looking to build trust with your prospective candidates? Read on to explore this guide on how to become the go-to employer for candidates in your sector, written by The Genius Group who are a TrustID partner.

7 Practical Tips to Reduce Bias in Recruitment

Guest Writer

December 19, 2022

In order to create a truly diverse workforce, you must create a recruitment process that embraces diversity on every level. So how do you start building a hiring process focused on diversity?

The five types of background checks that an employer might make

Guest Writer

November 25, 2022

With hiring managers often facing large volumes of applications or CVs to wade through on top of their day job, it’s perhaps not surprising that these embellishments are not always detected.

What 5 things can we do as recruiters to improve the interview process?

Guest Writer

November 24, 2022

The interview has an obvious place in most recruitment processes today. But why is the interview so important? Many employers see the interview as the first, and perhaps the only, opportunity to get a good picture of the person applying for the job.

4 steps to sensitively deal with fake identity documents

Guest Writer

March 21, 2020

Whilst there’s a lot of information available about how to check identity documents for counter fraud or Right to Work compliance, there’s little guidance about what action to take when a document fails your checks. Here’s 4 steps to sensitively deal with fake identity documents.

Validating identity documents is step one in a secure process

Guest Writer

May 20, 2019

There are many reasons that businesses today need to confirm the identity of the people they employ or work with. This guest blog is from Darren Harding who is the on-boarding manager at our customer Boomerang Funding. They check ID documents as part of a Right to Work check and to ensure that only legitimate applicants are given access to rail infrastructure projects.

Getting identity checks right for DBS checks

Guest Writer

November 21, 2017

Aligning DBS checks with Right to Work checks makes sense to me, as this aligns guidance for businesses and should make it easier to know what identity documents to request. Also, the first, critical step in both processes is, of course, ensuring that the person you’re checking is who they say they are.

A case of identity fraud in the insurance sector

Guest Writer

June 6, 2017

Fraud is such a pervasive crime with each industry susceptible to different types of fraud schemes and few more so than Insurance companies, particularly due to the advent of online policies. In this guest blog, Jill Battley CFE, a Director of TrustID with extensive investigative fraud experience, shares a summary of a genuine fraud case in the insurance sector, exploring the background, the risks, the result and what steps could be taken to prevent it.

How we protect our recruitment business from illegal workers

Guest Writer

August 11, 2016

With the number of fake passports seized at UK borders reaching a five-year high and high-profile stories of ‘illegal workers’ hitting the press, such as the tale of Byron Burgers, many companies may be concerned about their own screening and on-boarding process. In our guest blog, Abbie Pullman, Head of Talent Management at Off to Work, the UK’s leading event staffing solutions, consultancy, recruitment and training academy, shares her ‘Top 10 Tips’ for protecting a business from the risks of illegal workers.