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Tag: office based checks

Identity document verification systems – 5 reasons why they’re best for finding fake identity documents

David Park

April 28, 2020

The scale of identity fraud is shocking. In 2019, CIFAS, the National Fraud Prevention service reported that identity fraud had reached a record level in the UK. Our experience shows us that criminal networks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and even security experts can’t simply rely on traditional visual methods of detection.

4 steps to sensitively deal with fake identity documents

Guest Writer

March 21, 2020

Whilst there’s a lot of information available about how to check identity documents for counter fraud or Right to Work compliance, there’s little guidance about what action to take when a document fails your checks. Here’s 4 steps to sensitively deal with fake identity documents.

Making checks on a passport to confirm identity

Tony Machin

June 17, 2019

In this era of increased compliance, rising cases of fraud and significant penalties for those who get it wrong, carrying out robust checks on identity documents has never been more important. And no other document carries more weight in establishing a person’s identity than a passport.

Making Right to Work checks easier in Facilities Management

Tony Machin

February 2, 2017

As a Facilities Management Company, supplying cleaning, security or catering contracts, you know that you must make checks on your employees to ensure that they have the Right to Work in the UK. But if your team are spread across different sites, working for different customers, you’ll also know that making visual checks and filing copy documents can be a time-consuming challenge. But getting ID checks right is crucial!

How we protect our recruitment business from illegal workers

Guest Writer

August 11, 2016

With the number of fake passports seized at UK borders reaching a five-year high and high-profile stories of ‘illegal workers’ hitting the press, such as the tale of Byron Burgers, many companies may be concerned about their own screening and on-boarding process. In our guest blog, Abbie Pullman, Head of Talent Management at Off to Work, the UK’s leading event staffing solutions, consultancy, recruitment and training academy, shares her ‘Top 10 Tips’ for protecting a business from the risks of illegal workers.