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Tony Machin


Tony has led TrustID through a transformation program of significant upgrades in technology and services, delivering year on year growth. With previous experience in corporate finance and as CEO of a leading UK financial services organisation, he brings strong leadership and excellent knowledge of compliance and regulatory matters. In 2018, Tony was the founding Chairman of the Association of Document Validation Professionals (ADVP), a group of like-minded identity validation experts.

Digital identity checks: helping Right to Work compliance in construction

Facial Biometrics

Right to Work compliance in the construction industry is a challenging issue. Most large construction firms rely on subcontractors and are not directly responsible for their Right to Work (RtW) checks. However, that doesn’t mean they have no cause for concern. Though constructors may not shoulder the financial burden of penalties, they may well suffer reputational damage and disruption if they are found to have illegal workers employed on their projects. In a competitive environment, your reputation can make or break a deal – especially as developers are becoming increasingly concerned about the ESG credentials of suppliers. For sensitive projects – such as public sector buildings – there is an even greater need to demonstrate compliance with illegal working checks.

To mitigate the threat to their reputation, main contractors must therefore ensure that all staff accessing a site, including subcontractors, are robustly checked. However, monitoring this can be particularly challenging for project managers if they are dealing with hundreds of staff at any one time or have a high turnover rate. Firms often need to get people on site quickly, and lengthy checks can cause delays. Processing RtW checks correctly can also be resource- and skills-intensive – and some subcontractors may be unwilling to shoulder the costs.

Main contractors therefore need to be able to recommend a fast, reliable, and affordable way to support their subcontractors’ RtW checks.

How to solve the problem of Right to Work compliance

UK construction specialists are increasingly keen to promote and support the highest levels of compliance among their supply chain and network of subcontractors. They recognise the risk that illegal working presents to both their business and to their supply chain – including the threat of modern slavery – as well as potential damage to their brand and reputation, which could exclude them from future opportunities, particularly in the public sector.

One such way to drive compliance is by promoting the use of digital identity checks, and forward-thinking contractors are increasingly encouraging their strategic partners to deploy a reputable identity checking service. Such services support fast, compliant, straightforward Right to Work checks, confirm the authenticity of identity documents and build a higher level of protection against illegal working. A main contractor can then request to see proof of checks as sub-contracted workers arrive on site.

What is the real risk of fake identity documents?

At TrustID, we keep a record of the number of fake documents submitted to our identity checking service. When we recently assessed the digital RtW checks made by one construction firm’s supply chain partners, we found that 11% of submissions would not have been accepted as evidence of Right to Work in a Home Office audit. Examples included submissions with ineligible or incomplete documentation, and even one fake British passport.

At another major construction project, to refurbish a London shopping centre, all subcontractors were required to deploy TrustID digital identity checks to gain access to the site. In one year, we flagged 15 fake documents in the supply chain, which could have led to civil penalties of up to £300,000. The percentages of different document types identified almost mirrored the overall picture in construction (the most common being passport and ID cards) – adding supporting evidence to the effectiveness of the checks.

How to choose a digital RtW service

  • Look for a digital service that is cloud-based, so that you can access it online from any connected device.
  • If your requirements are likely to vary from job to job, look for a RtW service that offers a pay-per-check basis, so that you don’t have to pay for more than you need.
  • In terms of functionality, think about how you want receive documents to the digital service for verification. Some services enable employees to upload images of their identity documents themselves. Your service provider should then be able to quickly confirm document validity and provide an electronic report – sometimes within minutes. Look for a verification service that is backed by a SLA that meets your business needs. With the right provider, workers should be able to arrive on site the day after verification (or even the same day) with proof of Right to Work in the UK.

Should your construction business promote digital RtW checks?

Given the ongoing risk of identity fraud and potential tough penalties, there is a clear need for constructors to protect their sites from illegal workers, whether they are directly employed or operating through subcontractors.

As digital checks are cost effective and quick to complete, they overcome the main objections that subcontractors may have to performing enhanced identity checks on staff. Indeed, many subcontractors introduce digital ID checks to meet compliance requirements for one project, then continue to run them voluntarily as they see the benefits.

Because digital identity checks are proven to be reliable, they bring valued peace of mind. The answer is clear: if you want to protect your construction firm against the reputational loss, fraud risk, potential disruption to your site and significant fines that illegal documents can cause, digital identity and Right to Work checks are the foundation.

Want to find out more?

If you’re interested in finding out more about identity checks in construction,  please get in touch today.

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